Matter and Its Interactions

Never trust an atom-they make up everything! PS1. Matter and Its Interactions

  • 8.MS-PS1-1. Develop a model to describe that (a) atoms combine in a multitude of ways to produce pure substances which make up all of the living and nonliving things that we encounter, (b) atoms form molecules and compounds that range in size from two to thousands of atoms, and (c) mixtures are composed of different proportions of pure substances.

  • 8.MS-PS1-2. Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred.

  • 8.MS-PS1-4. Develop a model that describes and predicts changes in particle motion, relative spatial arrangement, temperature, and state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or removed.

  • 8.MS-PS1-5. Use a model to explain that atoms are rearranged during a chemical reaction to form new substances with new properties. Explain that the atoms present in the reactants are all present in the products and thus the total number of atoms is conserved.

Chapter 11

Development of Atomic Theory (11.1) Development of Atomic Theory Presentation The Atom (11.2) 11.2 The Atom (text) 5 Questions for End of Chapter 11.2 Introduction to the Atom (Chapter 11) Study Guide Atomic Notes and Practice Chapter 12 Los Alamos National Laboratory Periodic Table of the Elements The Periodic Table of the Elements (12.1) Arranging the Elements Questions (12.1, Part 1)

Classes of Elements Questions (12.1, Part 2)

Grouping the Elements (12.2)
Element Groups Chart.pdf
Grouping the Elements Questions

Chemical Interactions Investigations
Chemical Interactions Safety Contract.pdf
Mystery Mixture Lab Sheet.pdf

Chemical Reactions
Chemical Properties Presentation

Note: When the demonstrator is "weighing" the ball, he is actually finding the mass in grams.

Gases Presentation

States of Matter Chapter (Sections 1-3)
Notes Check

Particles in Motion.pdf
Particles in Motion Questions

Expansion and Contraction Review Questions

Temperature Presentation

What is Heat? and Matter and Heat Review Questions

Chemistry Check